Cleaning up your Fall Backyard can pay off next spring

As the days get shorter and it’s colder and colder outside, it is easy to find other things to do besides go outdoors and do yard work. If you are in an area that gets any sustained snowfall, you might think it is a good idea to let mother nature cover up the lawn, and weeds, and leaves until spring. However, there long term benefits to cleaning up the lawn and flower beds before inclement weather hits. Below are 2 benefits to cleaning up your yard this weekend that will have you think twice:
Bacteria, Mold, Fungus and other diseases can lurk in dead and decaying ward waste.
Certain insects find the ground, even below a snow cover, a good place to hibernate for the winter.
Your landscape Autumn clean-up checklist should contain some of the steps below:
- Rake leaves, sticks, and dead branches into a pile and recycle in your green waste bin
- Mow you lawn to a slightly lower setting, followed by a deep aerating and winter fertilizer blend
- Cut back any brush or high weeds
- Eliminate piles of yard waste either by hauling them away or putting them in a chipper on site to mulch beds
For DIY, check out Harbor Freight for low-cost mulchers, chippers, and yard equipment.
If you are heading over to your local Harbor Freight and want to take advantage of any savings they might have on a new extending branch pruner, check out the Harbor Freight Tools Coupon Database for great printable coupons (or save to your phone and show the cashier).
If DIY isn’t really your idea of a fun weekend, contact us for your Fall yard cleanup needs here: