Edward's Enterprises' committed team of employees is ready to help you with repair & remodel services around your Ince Boulevard home, a Jefferson Boulevard commercial location, a Culver Boulevard office, or the Westfield Culver City stores.
Serving Ventura, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara Counties
Licensed General & Plumbing Contractor B857752
- Culver City DIY Resources
- City Stats
- Culver City Recycling Resources
Culver City Tool Rental
Quality Equipment Rentals
711 N. La Brea Ave
Inglewood, CA 90302
(310) 677-7600
For more information about renting DIY tools, check out Culver City Tool Rental Online.
Dick's True Value
12216 Venice Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90066
Click here to contact them for help with your DIY project!
Interesting Culver City Information Culver City has a median household value of $607,300 (58% higher than the rest of CA).The high school graduation rate in Culver City is at 91%.
Fun Culver City Fact Culver City's median household income is $76,182.The average summer temperature of Culver City is a comfortable 68 degrees.
Culver City ranks #218 in California for its stable housing market, lots of local amenities, high graduation rates, & sunny weather. For more information about Culver City, visit AreaVibes.
Culver City Electronic Recycling
A1 Electronic Recycling
5125 Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019
(888) 958-6588
For more information about local electronic recycling, check out Culver City Electronic Recycling Online.
Local Culver City Paint Recycling
11513 Jefferson Blvd
Culver City, CA 90230
(310) 390-7781
For more information about neighborhood paint recycling, check out Culver City Paint Recycling Online.