Ceiling Fan Installations
Trying to cool down quick-like? Lowe’s Home Improvement has a number of discounts on in store fans, from 20 to 29% off a number of fans (8 is the number if you were wondering) available in their stores through 9-14-15!
Move it or lose it if you want in on the action. They also have special financing options if you sign up for one of their Lowes Credit accounts, but a minimum purchase is required.
If any of the deals we’ve presented above sound like something your want (but you don’t want to spend an afternoon off doing yourself) give us a call. If you are in our service area we can schedule an hourly service call visit and install ceiling fans of all shapes and sizes in flat, vaulted, beam, and exterior locations.
Ceiling fans can increase the efficiency of your AC or Heating unit to help evenly cool or heat your home without adding additional strain to your HVAC system. Contact us today to find out more!